Leading the Transformation

Prodoc helps with data driven care. We offer a suite of AI-powered tools to empower patients, providers, and payers.


Lives touched


Healthcare Organizations


Imagine a healthcare ecosystem where patients find the right care confidently, providers deliver it efficiently, and all stakeholders gain valuable insights. AI is redefining healthcare, and we're leading the charge. Through smarter data and empowered decisions, we unlock a future of better health for all.

Our Story

Rooted in a personal battle against cancer, Prodoc was born in 2021 with a vision to redefine the landscape of healthcare. Inspired by the challenges faced by a loved one in navigating the intricate healthcare maze, one of our founders envisioned a solution fueled by data, transparency, and patient-centricity.

Driven by this vision, we've tirelessly crafted a suite of AI-powered tools that simplify medical terminology, offer data-driven care alternatives, and seamlessly connect patients with appropriate providers. Through strategic alliances with insurers and TPAs, we harness the wealth of insights from existing data, forging a cohesive ecosystem that optimizes care delivery and fosters improved health outcomes for all.

Prodoc represents more than mere technology; it embodies a commitment to revolutionize healthcare, making it a journey of informed choices, confident decisions, and ultimately, a healthier future.


Seamless care for patients, optimized services for providers, and data-driven insights for payers. Together, we build a healthier future for all.


Imagine a world where your health journey is clear, informed, and empowering. At Prodoc, we make that world a reality.


Asit Kumar Vidyarthi

Co-Founder & CEO

Raghuvamshi Thakur

Co-founder & COO

Our Mentors:

Dr. Nandakumar Jairam

Milind Katti

Our Partners:

  • Human Fractal
Prodoc, an innovative AI Health-Tech startup, is dedicated to revolutionizing healthcare through a streamlined, data-driven approach. Utilizing AI technology, Prodoc develops systems that optimize insurance processes, support care providers, and facilitate seamless collaboration among all stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem.
© Prodoc. All rights reserved.