Data will shape the future of care.

Prodoc Healthcare Analytics empowers Insurance and TPAs to transform chaotic patient information into actionable intelligence through groundbreaking AI technology.

Handling Health Data

Mountains of unstructured data, locked away in patient privacy vaults.

Both HIPAA and GDPR perspectives, the use of healthcare data without anonymization and patient consent presents significant challenges.

Both regulations aim to prevent unauthorized access to personal health information, ensuring that healthcare data is handled with the highest level of confidentiality and security.

Prodoc ICR Solution

Non-anonymized data risks exposing sensitive personal health information, leading to potential breaches of privacy and legal penalties.

Anonymization ensures data can be used for research or analysis while protecting individuals' identities and complying with legal requirements.

Prodoc HDM, your key to decrypting hidden patterns and transforming raw data into insightful solutions.

Claims Management

  • Identifying potential fraud: Analyze patterns in claims data to automatically flag suspicious activity for further investigation, reducing fraudulent payouts.
  • Predicting claim costs: Leverage AI to assess risk factors and predict claim costs with greater accuracy, leading to better cost management.
  • Optimizing claim processing: Automate routine tasks like document review and medical coding using AI, boosting efficiency and reducing processing time.

Underwriting & Risk Management

  • Develop detailed risk profiles for individual policyholders based on their medical history, lifestyle factors, and other data points, enabling personalized premiums and coverage options.
  • Proactively identify patients with chronic conditions or at risk of developing specific diseases, allowing preventative care interventions and cost reduction.
  • Gain insights into market trends and patient needs to develop new insurance products and services that meet specific demands.

Patient Care & Outcomes

  • Identify patients at high risk of rehospitalization through predictive modeling, allowing targeted interventions and improved care coordination.
  • Recommend optimal treatment plans based on individual patient data and evidence-based practices, leading to better health outcomes and reduced care costs.
  • Identify trends and patterns within insured populations to develop targeted public health initiatives and preventative programs.

Prodoc ICR Stack

  • Our intelligent algorithms delve into medical records, claims forms, and more, automatically extracting and structuring valuable information.
  • Build dynamic dashboards and reports that visually tell the story of your data, uncovering trends, risks, and optimization opportunities.
  • Forget complex queries and technical jargon. Ask questions in plain language and get instant, insightful answers from your data.
  • Prodoc AI anticipates future scenarios, empowering you to make informed decisions for claims management, fraud detection, and personalized care pathways.

Contact us today for a personalized demo and unlock the future of healthcare insights.

Prodoc, an innovative AI Health-Tech startup, is dedicated to revolutionizing healthcare through a streamlined, data-driven approach. Utilizing AI technology, Prodoc develops systems that optimize insurance processes, support care providers, and facilitate seamless collaboration among all stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem.
© Prodoc. All rights reserved.