Discover a smarter way to manage referrals

Say goodbye to the hassle of paper referral forms and manual tracking. Simplify your referral process with Prodoc and ensure that your patients receive the specialized care they need.

Improve referral efficiency with a closed feedback loop

Handle all inbound and outbound referrals, alert staff to any necessary action, and automatically send referral status updates to referring doctors to close the feedback loop.

Increase patient follow-through on healthcare recommendations

Track patient referrals and keep in touch with patients throughout the care journey, from scheduling to post-care follow-up. Our platform provides visibility into every step of the referral process.

Reduce processing time and streamline processes

Eliminate inefficiencies and errors caused by maintaining referrals using cumbersome spreadsheets. Our web-based referral platform streamlines these processes.

Centralized referral dashboards

  • Receive, review, and respond to referrals through a centralized dashboard.
  • Route referrals received in traditional ways and assign them to specific departments or specialties.
  • Create, monitor, and track outbound referrals and receive appointment notifications in real-time.

Track Patient Journeys

  • Replace inefficient, paper-based workflows with scalable digital referral workflows.
  • Maintain relevant referral ‘status’ for each referral and monitor progress in real-time
  • Customizable workflows for multiple care settings, a unique one for each specialty, or standardized depending on your requirements.

Automated Feedback Loop

  • Maintain closed feedback loops in the entire referral process, allowing for seamless communication
  • Quickly share relevant information and reports between referrers and referees to allow for optimal patient care
  • Maximize the impact of feedback on operational efficiency

Make your patient referral process more efficient with Prodoc.
Get the right care to the right patient faster.

Prodoc, an innovative AI Health-Tech startup, is dedicated to revolutionizing healthcare through a streamlined, data-driven approach. Utilizing AI technology, Prodoc develops systems that optimize insurance processes, support care providers, and facilitate seamless collaboration among all stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem.
© Prodoc. All rights reserved.